Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Journey From Pune To Shirdi

In each semester i use to go to "Shirdi" to thank to Sai Baba,as My Semester exams are over now i decided to go Shirdi. Few of my friends Dharmendra, Mrinal, Pankaj, Sandeep also ready for dahrshan. We book aTavera and decide Friday night to go. Our vechile came sharp at 11:30pm and we started by 12:00am.

Though i go to temple in every semester but still i haven't seen tha"Aarti". Last time i reached before 4:30 Am, Still stand in Row and did not get a chance. But this time as it could be my last chance i was hoping to get that honour. While going It was quite dark and not able to see out side and also was feeling sleepy.
Near 3:45Am We reached there and directly went for que as we had already taken bath in the room. There is also facility that you can pay and take bath in some hotels there. Still It was not enough, when we were in the first but aarati was started. Again i had to see on the T.V Screen. But still there was a hope, After half hour When Bath cerymoney was over we get a chance to enter in "Darbar" of Baba. Then Aarti started i was able joined that. Really that was one of my great experience.
While coming back we decide to go to "Shani Signapur" Which is the only temple of Lord Shani. I had listen many times that in That village There are no doors in homes and i found that true. There are few rules for Darshan. Only Men are allowed to touch the God statue, which is a black stone and for that also you have to take bath and wear red cloth provided there. You have to be wet and no female is allowed to touch you, If by chance some female touches you , it necessary to again take bath and then proceed. Females can enter in temple but they can darshan from distance.
Only i was ready to follow the procedures, none of my friends were ready to again take a bath within 12 hrs. So after taking bath i took only "Til Ka Oil", Which is mainly used for worship of lord Shani. My friends were waiting in Tavera, As you have to go bare foot and it was near 12:00pm so earth was quite hot make my feet burn so i was taking long steps. After darshan i came back changed my clothes and came back. On the way i had taken few pictures.
As my graduation is complete so i don't know when next time Baba will call me for Darshan. Hope to come soon.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Shree Shetra Puri,The Car Festival, Rath Yatra

One of the center of religion is Puri in Orrisa. Ratha Jatra, the Festival of Chariots of Lord Jagannatha is celebrated every year at Puri. Orissa is a land of innumerable fairs and festivals celebrated round the year but the most spectacular of them is the Rath Yatra, hitherto known as the Car Festival to western world. This chariot procession on the main streets of Ahmedabad city features a lot of colourful chariots, trucks and other vehicles. The procession commemorates the journey of lord Krishna to Mathura, leaving behind grieving Gopis. The massive procession begins at Jagdish temple in Jamalpur. The main chariots are dedicated to lord Krishna, his brother Balaram and sister Subadhra, followed by colourfully decorated elephants, trucks, motor vehicles, pilgrims on foot, acrobats and gymnasts.

Legends and Rituals:
The famous Car festival of Lord Jagannath falls on the second day of bright fortnight of the month of Ashada when the Lord with his brother and sister coming out from the 'Ratna Sinhasan' to the streets of Puri joins His devotees while visiting His birth place The Gundicha Ghar. After a stay of nine days the return journey starts for the temple.

According to legend Lord Jagannath said to have expressed His desire to visit His birthplace Gundicha Ghar once every year. According to others Subhadra wanted to visit Dwarka, her parents home therefore, her two brothers Jagannath and Balabhadra took her there on this day. According to Bhagavad Puran on this day. Krishna and Balaram went to Mathura on the invitation of Kansa to participate in the competition.

The entire Ratha Yatra is a symbolic humanisation of God. All rituals associated with the festival demonstrate an attempt to bring the God down from His pedestal of glory to a more human level. On the day of journey the three chariots the yellow coloured Nandighosa, blue coloured Taladwaja and Deviratha are lined up in front of the temple and then the deities are brought on to their respective Chariots. Once the king of Puri the living symbol of Lord Jagannath sweeps the chariots with scented water and golden broom, the pilgrims lined up with the rope pull the chariots on the Badadanda to Gundicha Ghar.

The Deities are carried to the chariots in a traditional, ceremonial way. First Sudarshan, then Balabhadra, Subhadra and Jagannath. Balabhadra and Jagannath are carried in such a way that They rock forward and backward, moving from pillow to pillow as they approach the chariots, and finally ascend the ramp leading to their seats. This rocking motion is called Pahandi. The name of Lord Jagannath's chariot is Nandighosh. It has 16 wheels, and is covered in red and yellow material. Lord Balabhadra's chariot is called Taladwaja, has 14 wheels and is covered with red and green material. The third chariot, Devadalana, belongs to Lady Subhadra. It has 12 wheels and a red and black canopy. There are four other Deities that also ride on the chariots, making a total of seven Deities in all. Lady Subhadra shares Her chariot with Sudarshan, who sits by Her side. Lord Jagannath sits with Madanmohan, who represents Lord Jagannath Himself. Lord Balabhadra is accompanied by two small, brass deities of Rama and Krshna. The chariots are pulled about three kilometers down Puri's Grand Road, from the Jagannath Temple to the Gundicha Mandir or Gundicha Ghar. If one or more chariots doesn't make it all the way, it is simply moved the following day. The fifth day of the festival is known as Hera Panchami, the day that one of Jagannath's two wives, Goddess Laxmi, goes to Gundicha Mandir to see Her husband. On the ninth day, the chariots are pulled back to the area near the Lion Gate. On the evening of the tenth day (the eleventh day of the bright fortnight of Ashadha, also Hari Sayan Ekadasi), the Deities are dresssed in golden garments adorned with golden decorations. The next day, another important ritual, Adharapana Bhog, is performed. On that day, a specially prepared sweet drink is offered to the Deities. There is a procession on the evening of the next day, wherein the Deities are taken back into the Temple. This ceremony draws a large crowd of worshippers

After the festival, the raths are broken and bits are used for firewood in the kitchens or sold to pilgrims as relics. New chariots are made each year to rigid specifications of make laid down in temple's ancient manuals. The assembled multitudes from all over India, the cacophony of music and percussion and the decorated chariots provide an unforgettable experience. Stories from ancient times, about some fanatics throwing themselves under the massive wheels of the chariots to die a death in hope of attainment of eternal bliss, abound.

Places to Visit

Without doubt, the best place to visit during this festival time is Puri, situated a few kilometers away from Bhubaneshwar, the capital of the state of Orissa. This chariot procession on the main streets of Ahmedabad city features a lot of colourful chariots, trucks and other vehicles.

How to reach there:

By Air:
Access to Puri is quite convenient and hassle free by air and the nearest airport is Biju Patnail Airport located 60 kms from Puri in Bhubaneshwar. The major domestic carriers like Indian, Jet, Sahara, and Deccan operate regular flights from New Delhi, Kolkata, Visakhapatnam, Nagpur, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Mumbai.

By Rail:
The railway terminus of the city offers express and super-fast train connections with New Mumbai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Thiruvananthapuram, Kolkata and Baidyanath Dham. Puri also has excellent rail connections with Tirupati, Okha and Ahmedabad. Puri falls under the jurisdiction of S.E. Railway.

By Road:
Road transport is equally commendable and you can reach Puri from the important cities of India. From Bhubaneshwar it is a 60 kms drive on state highway. The main bus stand is located nearby Gundicha Mandir on Grand Road and regular bus services to the nearby destinations such as Konark and Bhubaneshwar are available. The roads are well-maintained and reaching Puri by road is very convenient.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Rameswaram Temple ,Tamilnadu + Pilgrimage to Varansi Is Incomplete Without A Pilgrimage to Rameswaram + Places to be Visited in Tamil Nadu + Tamil Nadu Tourism

One of the Most important temples described in Hindu culture is Rameswaram Temple in Tamilnadu. This Shivastalam is considered to be one of the holiest shrines in India. It represents the southernmost of the 12 Jyotirlingams of India and has been a time honored pilgirmage center held on par with Banaras. The island-temple town is located off of the Sethu coast of Tamilnadu (south eastern). This shrine is regarded as the 8th of the Tevara Stalams in the Pandya region of Tamilnadu Rameshwaram is significant for the Hindus as a pilgrimage to Benaras is incomplete without a pilgrimage to Rameswaram. The presiding deity here is in the form of a Linga with the name Sri Ramanatha Swamy, it also happens to be one of the twelve Jyotirlingas.

View Of the West Gopuram of Rameswaram temple
The masterpiece of South Indian architecture boasts of the largest temple corridor in India. Different rulers built the Ramanatha Swamy Temple over a period of time starting from the 12th century. The temple comprises twenty two wells where the taste of the water of each well is different from the other.
The grandest part of the temple is the 1219 m pillared corridor consisting of 3.6 m high granite pillars, richly carved and well proportioned. The perspective presented by these pillars run uninterruptedly to a length of nearly 230 m.
According to the Puranas, upon the advice of Rishis (sages), Rama along with Sita and Lakshmana, installed and worshipped the Sivalinga here to expiate the sin of Brahmahatya (killing of a Brahmin) (Ravana was a Brahmin the great grandson of Brahma).[citation needed] Rama fixed an auspicious time for the installation and sent Anjaneya to Mount Kailas to bring a lingam. As Anjaneya could not return in time, Sita herself made a linga of sand. When Anjaneya returned with a linga from Mount Kailas the rituals had been over.

Inside view of Rameswaram temple
To comfort the disappointed Anjaneya, Rama had Anjaneya’s lingam (Visvalingam) also installed by the side of Ramalinga, and ordained that rituals be performed first to the Visvalingam.
In Rameshwaram Temple, a spiritual "Mani Darshan" happens in early morning everyday. This "Mani" is made of "sphatik"[a precious stone] and in form of "Holy shivling". according to ved this is "Mani" of "sheshnag".
Sethu Karai is a place 22 km before the island of Rameshwaram from where God Ram is claimed to have built a Floating Stone Bridge Ramasethu till Rameshwaram that further continued from Dhanushkodi in Rameshwaram till Talaimannar in Sri Lanka as mentioned in the great Hindu epic Ramayana.

Worship: Six worship services are carried out each day, the first being at 5am. Special worship services are carried out every Friday.

Festivals: Rama's worship is commemorated in the month of Aani (June 15-July 15); two annual Bhrammotsavams are celebrated in Aadi and in Maasi.

Theertham (Water springs): There are 36 Theerthams in Rameswaram of which 22 are in the temple and these waters are said to possess medicinal properties. Bathing in these is considered to be of great significance. The Agni theertham refers to the ocean while the Koti theertham is located within the temple itself.

How to reach there:-
By Air:
The nearest airport is at Madurai, at a distance of 154-km. Rameshwaram is well connected by trains from all the major cities of India. State transport buses are available from the railway station to the various places in and around Rameshwaram. For local transportation taxis, auto-rickshaws, cycle-rickshaws and tongas are available. Also city bus service is available in the island.

By Train:
The railway network connects Rameshwaram to and from Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore, Trichy and Thanjavur. The 2 km long Indira Gandhi Bridge connects the island of Rameshwaram with the mainland of Mandapam.
By Road:
Well connected by roads and bus services to all the major cities nearby, especially, Thiruvallur, Kanyakumari, Trichy, Pondicherry, Tanjore and Chennai.

For more details Varansi: Kashi Vishwanath Temple.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Politics is not a SERVICE anymore but a PROFESSION.

An Important Issue!

Salary & Govt. Concessions for a Member of Parliament (MP)

Monthly Salary: Rs. 12,000/-

Expense for Constitution per month: Rs. 10,000/-

Office expenditure per month: Rs. 14,000/-

Traveling concession (Rs. 8 per km): Rs. 48,000/-

(eg. For a visit from South India to Delhi & return: 6000 km)

Daily DA TA during parliament meets: Rs. 500/day

Charge for 1 class (A/C) in train: Free (For any number of times)
(All over India)

Charge for Business Class in flights: Free for 40 trips / year (With wife or P.A.)

Rent for MP hostel at Delhi: Free.

Electricity costs at home: Free up to 50,000 units.

Local phone call charge: Free up to 1, 70,000 calls.

TOTAL expense for a MP [having no qualification] per year: Rs.32, 00,000/-

[i.e. 2.66 lakh/month]
TOTAL expense for 5 years: Rs. 1, 60, 00,000/-

For 534 MPs, the expense for 5 years:
Rs. 8,54,40,00,000/-

(Nearly 855 crores)
This is how all our tax money is been swallowed and price hike on our regular commodities.........
And this is the present condition of our country:

855 crores could make their life livable!!
Think of the great democracy we have…


I know hitting the Delete button is easier...but...try to press the Fwd button & make people aware!

Lost and FOUND!!!

if you ever get lost in India and want to find out where you are, this is the best way of doing just that.

scenario 1
two guys are fighting and a third guy comes along, then a fourth and they start arguing about who s right
- you are in Kolkata.

scenario 2
two guys are fighting and a third guy comes along, sees them and walks on
– that's Mumbai.

scenario 3
two guys are fighting and a third guy comes along & tries to make peace. the first two get together & beat him up
- that's Delhi.

scenario 4
two guys are fighting. a crowd gathers to watch. a guy comes along and quietly opens a chai stall
- that's Ahmadabad.

scenario 5
two guys are fighting and a third guy comes. he writes a software program to solve the issue but the fight does not stop because of a bug in the program.
- that s Bangalore.

scenario 6
two guys are fighting. a crowd gathers to watch. a guy comes along and quietly says "anna, dont fight for all this nonsense". peace comes in
- thats Chennai.

scenario 7
two guys are fighting. both of them take time out and call their friends on mobile. now 50 guys are fighting.
- you are in Hyderabad.

scenario 8
two guys are fighting.,third guys comes try to stop them and get involved and call others too to stop, finally stop them,
- you r in Rajasthan.

scenario 9
two guys are fighting. a crowd gathers to watch. someone calls police. the police come and lathi charge all the people crowded there. someone throws stones at the police. the police throw stones back at the crowd. some people are arrested. damages to the shops nearby. next day, harthal and holiday declared by government ..You are very much in
- thiruvananthapuram, the city of Kerala ...

Sunday, June 14, 2009



A quick and easy version of the traditional khaman dhokla.

Cooking Time : 10 min.
Preparation Time : 5 min.

Serves 4 to 6.
For the batter
1 cup Bengal gram flour (besan)
1 1/2 tablespoons semolina (rawa)
1/2 teaspoon citric acid (nimbu ke phool)
3 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon green chilli-ginger paste
1 1/2 teaspoons Eno's fruit salt
For the tempering
1 tablespoon oil
1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
1/2 teaspoon sesame seeds (til)
2 green chillies, chopped
a pinch asafoetida (hing)
For the garnish
1 tablespoon chopped coriander
1. Mix together all the ingredients for the batter except the fruit salt using enough water to make a thick batter.
2. Add in the fruit salt, sprinkle a little water over the fruit salt and mix well.
3. When the mixture rises, pour it into a greased thali and steam for about 10 minutes.
4. For the tempering, heat the oil in a small katori and add the mustard seeds, sesame seeeds, green chillies and asafoetida. When the mustard seeds crackle, add 1 tablespoon of water and pour this over the steamed dhoklas.
5. Cut into pieces and serve with green chutney.

You can use 1 teaspoon of lemon juice instead of the citric acid crystals.
Keep the steamer hot and add the fruit salt into the batter.

Shah Rukh Khan in Tax Trouble By TOI

The Bombay High Court on Thursday admitted an appeal, by the I-T department, challenging an order of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), which had ruled in the star’s favour in June 2008.
In the first of its appeals, the I-T department seeks to claim a sum of Rs 19.43 lakh from the actor, out of a total exemption of Rs 72.67 lakh for the assessment year of 1998-1999.

“The appeals for the remainder of the amount will come up for hearing in separate cases over the next few weeks,” a source in the I-T department disclosed.

Shah Rukh had declared his total income for the financial year 1998-99 as Rs 2.01 crore, the appeal filed in the HC states. Out of this, Rs 72.67 lakh was shown as earnings from international advertising and endorsements.

The aforementioned Rs 19.43 lakh was shown in his filings of that year as advance received “towards royalty” from Jeanne Arthes Perfume for fragrances named after him.

For this, SRK had sought deductions under section 80RR of the I-T Act, by claiming it to be professional receipt from a foreign source.

Section 80RR of the Income Tax Act, 1961 covers Indian residents who earn foreign currency, and are subjected to tax deductions. This category includes professionals such as film personalities, sports persons, authors and musicians. These individuals are allowed tax deductions of 75 per cent of the income received in the form of foreign currency, provided they earn it by virtue of their profession.

In this case, however – the I-T department argues – SRK earned the sum by endorsing a brand, and not in his capacity as an actor.

The Assessment Officer studying SRK’s case had concluded that “the said receipts had not been derived from the exercise of his profession – ie, acting – but from a commercial venture in which the actor had commercially exploited his brand equity, popularity and mass appeal”.

The AO therefore restricted the deduction to 5 per cent, whereas Shah Rukh had claimed a deduction (u/s 80RR) of 75 per cent.

The star had then approached the Chief of Income Tax (CIT) against the AO’s order, which – in April, 2002 – partly allowed his appeal.

Both parties then moved to the ITAT, as they were dissatisfied with the CIT’s order.

The ITAT – in June, 2008 – had partly allowed both the appeals. The department has now filed various appeals in HC against the ITAT’s order, which partly ruled in favour of the star.

The Earnings Of A Superstar

In the year 2006-07, King Khan paid Rs 18 crore in tax. The following year – in January 2008 – he paid advance taxes of Rs 27 crore till December 15, 2007, and declared his income for 2007-08 at over Rs 100 crore.

How To Loose Your Weight Tips

Now a days people are becoming health concious more and more. Becouse or thier hectic sedule one can not take care of their diet properly, result is increase in weight. Girls are more willing for thier slim shame body. Here are few tips which can be helpfull to you to controll your weight.

Tips for Success
Therefore, the best weight-management strategies are those that you can maintain for a lifetime. That's a long time, so we'll try to keep these suggestions as easy as possible!

Make it a family affair. Ask your mom or dad to lend help and support and to make dietary or lifestyle changes that will benefit the whole family, if possible. Teens who have the support of their families tend to have better results with their weight-management programs. But remember, you should all work together in a friendly and helpful way — making weight loss into a competition is a recipe for disaster!

Watch your drinks. It's amazing how many extra calories can be lurking in the sodas, juices, and other drinks that you take in every day. Simply cutting out a can of soda or one sports drink can save you 150 calories or more each day. Drink water or other sugar-free drinks to quench your thirst and stay away from sugary juices and sodas. Switching from whole to nonfat or low-fat milk is also a good idea.

Start small. Small changes are a lot easier to stick with than drastic ones. Try reducing the size of the portions you eat and giving up regular soda for a week. Once you have that down, start gradually introducing healthier foods and exercise into your life.

Stop eating when you're full. Lots of people eat when they're bored, lonely, or stressed, or keep eating long after they're full out of habit. Try to pay attention as you eat and stop when you're full. Slowing down can help because it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to recognize how much is in your stomach. Sometimes taking a break before going for seconds can keep you from eating another serving.

Avoid eating when you feel upset or bored — try to find something else to do instead (a walk around the block or a trip to the gym are good alternatives). Many people find it's helpful to keep a diary of what they eat and when. Reviewing the diary later can help them identify the emotions they have when they overeat or whether they have unhealthy habits. Your doctor or a registered dietitian can give you pointers on how to do this.

Eat less more often. Many people find that eating a couple of small snacks throughout the day helps them to make healthy choices at meals. Stick a couple of healthy snacks (carrot sticks, whole-grain pretzels, or a piece of fruit) in your backpack so that you can have one or two snacks during the day. Adding healthy snacks to your three squares and eating smaller portions when you sit down to dinner can help you to cut calories without feeling deprived.

Five a day keep the pounds away. Ditch the junk food and dig out the fruits and veggies! Five servings of fruits and veggies aren't just a good idea to help you lose weight — they'll help keep your heart and the rest of your body healthy. Other suggestions for eating well: replace white bread with whole wheat, trade your sugary sodas for water and low-fat milk, and make sure you eat a healthy breakfast. Having low-sugar, whole-grain cereal and low-fat milk with a piece of fruit is a much better idea than inhaling a donut as you run to the bus stop or eating no breakfast at all! A registered dietitian can give you lots of other snack and menu ideas.

More Tips
Avoid fad diets. It's never a good idea to trade meals for shakes or to give up a food group in the hope that you'll lose weight — we all need a variety of foods to stay healthy. Stay away from fad diets because you're still growing and need to make sure you get proper nutrients. Avoid diet pills (even the over-the-counter or herbal variety). They can be dangerous to your health; besides, there's no evidence that they help keep weight off over the long term.

Don't banish certain foods. Don't tell yourself you'll never again eat your absolutely favorite peanut butter chocolate ice cream or a bag of chips from the vending machine at school. Making these foods forbidden is sure to make you want them even more. Also, don't go fat free: You need to have some fat in your diet to stay healthy, so giving up all fatty foods all the time isn't a good idea. The key to long-term success is making healthy choices most of the time. If you want a piece of cake at a party, go for it! But munch on the carrots rather than the chips to balance it out.

Get moving. You may find that you don't need to cut calories as much as you need to get off your behind. Don't get stuck in the rut of thinking you have to play a team sport or take an aerobics class to get exercise. Try a variety of activities from hiking to cycling to dancing until you find ones you like.

Not a jock? Find other ways to fit activity into your day: walk to school, jog up and down the stairs a couple of times before your morning shower, turn off the tube and help your parents in the garden, or take a stroll past your crush's house — anything that gets you moving. Your goal should be to work up to 60 minutes of exercise every day. But everyone has to begin somewhere. It's fine to start out by simply taking a few turns around the block before bed and building up your levels of fitness gradually.

Build muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat. So adding strength training to your exercise routine can help you reach your weight loss goals as well as give you a toned bod. And weights are not the only way to go: Try resistance bands, pilates, or push-ups to get strong. A good, well-balanced fitness routine includes aerobic workouts, strength training, and flexibility exercises.

Forgive yourself. So you were going to have one cracker with spray cheese on it and the next thing you know the can's pumping air and the box is empty? Drink some water, brush your teeth, and move on. Everyone who's ever tried to lose weight has found it challenging. When you slip up, the best idea is to get right back on track and don't look back. Avoid telling yourself that you'll get back on track tomorrow or next week or after New Year's. Start now.

Try to remember that losing weight isn't going to make you a better person — and it won't magically change your life. It's a good idea to maintain a healthy weight because it's just that: healthy.

Examples of calorie content of some popular foods and beverages include:
  • one slice original-style crust pepperoni pizza - 230 calories
  • one glass dry white wine - 160 calories
  • one can cola - 150 calories
  • one quarter-pound hamburger with cheese - 500 calories
  • one jumbo banana nut muffin - 580 calories

9 Essential Tips To Lose Weight Fast:-

Executive Summary about Fast Weight Lose by Richard Gwent

You no doubt need to find ways to lose weight fast.

1.Method one provides us with ways to lose weight fast. Unless you eat healthily, no matter what other ways to lose weight fast you try, they will fail.
2.Tip two provides us with yet more ways to lose weight fast! Eat diet foods, but don’t forget the effectiveness of a balanced diet. Drinking green tea after every meal is a natural way of losing weight without much effort.
3.Tip three is yet another great couple of ways to lose weight fast.
4.If a friend or family member is also trying to find ways to lose weight fast, make your time table together.
5.Dumbbells are one of the great ways to lose weight fast.
6.Again changing your diet is one of the best ways to lose weight fast.
7.Change your diet and you will find new ways to lose weight fast!
8.You need to be determined to lose weight, if you see that you have lost weight it will motivate you and provide yet another ways to lose weight fast.
9.Diet is responsible for your weight, cut it out gradually as another group of ways to lose weight fast.

Hope this article will help you lot. Feel free to make comments.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Village of Kerala 200 Pairs of Twins

Malappuram (Kerala), June 6 (IANS) It was a phenomenon that had gone unnoticed for several years, even by the residents. But now a village in Kerala with over 200 twins and a few more on the way is in the limelight.'None of us was aware of this phenomenon and now many have started thinking of this. There is also a new association for these twins,' said Kunju Marikar, president of the Nannambra panchayat (village council) under which comes Kodinhi village that boasts of the record.Of the 20 wards that fall under the council, Kodinhi has seven wards, each having a population of around 2,000.

'The surprising thing is that this phenomenon does not prevail in other wards of the panchayat,' Marikar added.Following the attention to the village, Pullani Bhaskaran, 51, the father of a pair of twin boys aged 16, formed the Twins and Kins Association (TAKA), exclusively for the parents and the twins. 'We have recently formed an 11-member executive committee and have begun registration of twins. So far we have zeroed in on 230 pairs of twins and we are trying to rope
in all the twins irrespective of their age. We feel the number could swell to more than 300 pairs,' said Bhaskaran, a contractor.

According to the information collected by TAKA, the 85-year-old Mohammed Haji is the oldest living twin, with his sibling having died a few years ago. The oldest living twins are 65-year-old Pathukutty and Kunji Pathukutty.The latest pair (both boys) were delivered May 6 by Ramla, 24. TAKA's inquiries have revealed a few more are on the way.

Yusuf, an autorickshaw driver, has three pairs - all girls. His wife delivered the first pair seven years ago and the third pair about three months ago.'We are happy and my wife and my two tiny girls are hale and hearty,' said a pleased Yusuf.A team consisting of G.R. Chandak from the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad, and Kaumudi Godbole, of the Centre for Human Growth and Development, Pune, met about a dozen pairs of twins of the village last November and examined their food habits and other factors.

However, the villagers say they have not heard from the team since then.'We have not heard from them. Now what we are doing is to document the entire details of all the twins. Our preliminary findings show that among the twins, girls lead thepack. The maximum number of twins is in the age group of 5 to 15. Shortly we will come out with all the details,' said Bhaskaran.

Shirdi wale Sai baba(listen download sai bhajans and aarti)

Samadhi Mandir:-

Samadhi Mandir of Shri Sai Baba was actually owned by a millionaire from Nagpur, a famous Sai devotee Shreemant Gopalrao. Gopalrao wanted to keep an idol of Murlidhar here. However, Baba himself became Murlidhar and the Mandir became the Samadhi Mandir of Baba.

The Mandir is built with stones and Baba's Samadhi is built with white marble stones. A railing is built in marble around the Samadhi and is full of ornamental decorations. In front of the Samadhi are two silver pillars full of decorative designs. Just behind the Samadhi is Sai Baba's marvelous statue made of Italian marble, which shows him seated on a throne. Late Balaji Vasant made this idol.


Shri Sai Baba came to Shridhi with a marriage procession. He stayed at Dwarkamai till the very end of his life. Dwarkamai is situated on the right side of the entrance of Samadhi Mandir. Here he solved problems of the people, cured their sickness and worries. Before Baba's arrival in Shridhi, Dwarkamai was an old mosque in a dilapidated condition. Baba turned it into Dwarkamai and proved that God is one.

The first level of Dwarkamai has a portrait of Baba and a big stone on which Baba used to sit. This level has two rooms. One contains the chariot and the second a palkhi. Just in front of the room where the chariot is kept is a small temple. A saffron flag flies over it.
The second level of Dwarkamai has a square stool made of stone, which Baba used for taking a bath. The main attraction of this place is the oil painting of Shri Sai Baba sitting in a carved wooden shrine. This level also has the grinding stone and the wooden vessel called Kolamba in which Baba used to keep the Bhiksha brought from the village.


Sai Baba first came to Shridhi in the form of Bal Yogi - a child ascetic. He was first spotted seated under a Neem tree. This place came to be known as Gurusthan. The renovation of Gurusthan was made on 30th September 1941. The present temple was built after this period. There is a small shrine in Gurusthan. On a elevated platform of this shrine a big portrait of Baba is placed. On the side is a marble statue of Baba. In front of the portrait are a Shivling and the Nandi. Photos of twelve Jyotirlingas are kept in the temple. The branches of the Neem tree have come out through the roof of the temple.
At a short distance lies Baba's CHAVADI. Baba used to sleep here every alternate day. The Chavadi is divided into two parts. One part of the Chavadi has a large portrait of Baba along with a wooden bed and a white chair belonging to him.There is a cottage of Abdul Baba, an ardent devotee of Shri Sai Baba, in front of the Chavadi. Abdul Baba looked after the Lendi Baug. There are photos and various things, which were handled by Sai Baba and Abdul Baba in the cottage.

Lendi Baug:-

At some distance from Gurusthan there is the Lendi Baug. This Baug was made and watered daily by Baba himself. It got its name from a Nalla (a drain), which used to previously flow there. Baba used to come here every morning and afternoon and take rest under a Neem tree. Baba dug a pit, 2 feet deep, under the Neem tree and kept a Deep lit in that pit. One octangular Deepgriha called Nanda Deep has been built in marble stone in memory of this place. It constantly burns in a glass box. On one side of the Deepgriha is a Peepal tree and on the other side is a Neem tree.

Some distance away is a Datta Mandir below an Audumbar tree. In the Mandir there is a statue of Datta built in marble stone. The statue of Datta was installed on 6th December 1976. Just behind the Datta Mandir is a Samadhi of the horse, Shyamsundar which belonged to Baba and which used to bow to him.

Khandoba Mandir:-

This temple is situated on the main road. In front of this temple Baba was welcomed by Poojari Mhalsapati, of this temple, saying "Aao Sai", when Baba stepped in Shridi. In this temple there are icons of Khandoba, Banai and Mhalsai.

How to reach there:-
By Air
The nearest airport to Shirdi is at Nashik, 75kms away, Aurangabad is at a distance of 150kms, which is connected by all the major towns of India. You can also come till Mumbai by air and travel down to 296kms to reach Shirdi. Mumbai has both international and domestic airports that grant connectivity to the world. Domestic airport in Pune is about 231kms from Shirdi. There are regular public and private transport operators that ensure your easy access to the sanctum of Saibaba.

By Rail/Train
Kopergaon on Daund-Manmad Line is an important railway station about 16kms from Shirdi. This station is on the route of the Karnataka Express from New Delhi to Bangalore. Manmad is another important station about 58kms from Shirdi which carries a number trains from Mumbai and Delhi. Shirdi has a computerized Railway Ticket Booking Center within the temple premises. From here you can have railway tickets of whichever destination all through India.

By Road
Shirdi can be reached by taking a Bus from almost all major cities of Maharashtra. Shirdi is on the Ahmednagar-Manmad Highway, 250 km from Mumbai and 75 km from Nashik. MTDC runs buses from all major destinations.
Listen sai bhajan:- by Anoop Jalota

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Richest God Shree Lord Venkeswara Balajee, Tirupati + Please To Be Visited Near Hyderabad + Tirupathi Bala Jee

The diamond-studded crown gifted to Lord Venkateswara may be the latest, most publicised gift, but it is by no means the only valuable offering made to the deity at Tirumala..

The Rs 42 crore diamond-studded 2.5 feet tall crown gifted by Karnataka tourism minister Gali Janardhan Reddy on Thursday could be the most significant contribution to Lord Venkateswara's ever growing wealth of gifts but the Lord of the Seven Hills has by now become so familiar with these riches that few are surprised by this latest offering. His riches are such that they are guarded by armed security personnel in a treasury, the location of which remains a closely guarded secret by top brass of the temple . With the total worth of the offerings made to the Lord estimated to be somewhere between Rs 30,000 crore to Rs 50,000 crore, the deity's title of the 'Richest Lord of Kaliyuga' is not without reason.

101 Tips For Pageant Success

1. Smile, smile, SMILE!
2. While on stage, hold your head high and pretend that crown’s already on your head.
3. Scan the judges, scan the audience, then once again scan the judges.
4. If you find it difficult to look the judges in the eyes, look at their foreheads.
5. Remember – it isn’t the most talented girl who wins the talent competition. It’s whoever has the best stage presence.
6. Don’t compare yourself to the other girls, because you’re only being judged on you.
7. You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars to get a pageant winning dress. Search ebay or your local mall for sales. If it is elegant, sparkles on stage, and it makes you feel like a queen, then it could be your winning gown.
8. Swimsuit isn’t about who is the hottest girl on the stage. It is about who has the most confidence walking out on a stage in what can feel like underwear.
9. If at first you don’t succeed, try again. Most pageant winners have competed before, often many times.
10. It is good to exercise and eat well before a pageant, but there is no need to starve yourself because no matter what your size, your confidence and poise is what will take you on to the next stage of competition.
11. DON’T LIE ON YOUR PAPERWORK OR IN THE INTERVIEW. If you get caught in a lie, or one of the judges is an excellent poker player, your bluff will cost you.
12. Be true to yourself. The judges want to see girls who are real, not girls who sound rehearsed.
13. On your fact sheet, don’t give it all away. Make statements somewhat vague so the judges have something to ask about!
14. Practice, practice, practice. The more you practice, the more prepared you are, the better you’ll do.
15. You don’t have to have perfect grades or have something super impressive on your fact sheet to impress the judges. What will make you stand out is something unique that not many people have done or can do. Play the accordion? Race go carts? Breed hamsters? Write it down.
16. Have someone proofread your paperwork before you turn it in.
17. Perform your talent for as many people as you can. The more advice you can get, the better your performance will be.
18. Choose a platform that really means something to you, not just something you think will impress the judges.
19. Know your current events and important issues that are being discussed in the news.
20. Even if you don’t get the crown, you’re a winner just for competing so if you don’t win, don’t feel like a loser.
21. If you want to begin to eat healthier before the pageant, do some reading on proper nutrition. Surviving on tiny salads and diet soda will only slow your metabolism and you won’t lose fat that way.
22. Diet pills do NOT work. Enough said.
23. Every girl has a little "junk in the trunk". If you jiggle, don’t worry about it. Even the skinniest girls have a little jiggle room back there.
24. Cover any and all tattoos and remove any piercings other than up to two holes in your ear. You aren’t supposed to be judged on such things but unfortunately some people will. Sure, those people are stupid but there’s nothing you can do about it.
25. You don’t need to hire some expensive pageant coach to win. Anyone can do the same job and with a little reading and some research you can learn all you need to know about pageants.
26. Read up on some famous titleholders, especially if you’re competing in the Miss America or Miss USA systems.
27. On stage question is not as tough as it might seem. Often times the stage lights are so bright you can’t see the audience anyway so just pretend they aren’t even there.
28. If you don’t feel confident on stage, try and get some friends and family to be your "cheering section". This will definitely give you a confidence boost while on stage!!
29. In order to create a natural smile rather than a "plastic look", think of something funny before you go on stage. I kept a picture of David Hasselhoff from his Baywatch days backstage. This struck me as funny and kept my smile from looking unnatural.
30. The interview isn’t an interrogation, but rather a conversation where the judges can get to know you better.
31. Know your platform inside and out. You never know what you’ll be asked.
32. Be sure you understand just what the responsibilities of the titleholder are. You don’t want to win and discover that you can’t handle the job.
33. Don’t be afraid to ask questions in the interview if you don’t understand. The judges will be glad to clarify for you.
34. Try and think of all of your positive traits first before you write your paperwork. It’ll help a lot!
35. Never portray yourself in a negative light in any part of the competition. You want to be confident, not self-depreciating.
36. Does this pageant charge you to compete? Then forget about it. It’s only a scam.
37. Make sure your talent is not too long. If you have to change it the day before competition you might not perform very well.
38. Form opinions on EVERYTHING, from your opinion on the death penalty to what your favorite color is.
39. Use the bathroom before the interview and before the show. Trust me, you’ll appreciate it.
40. Keep your clothes organized and hung up so you can find things and they remain unwrinkled. When you have to change fast you won’t be stressing out about where you put your strapless bra or that your suit is wrinkled.
41. Don’t drink any carbonated drinks on competition day to prevent bloating.
42. Always maintain excellent posture. Shoulders back, chin parallel to the ground, and back straight, whether you’re sitting or standing.
43. Keep your walk slow and elegant during evening gown. Remember, it’s at this point the judges will be able to see who that crown will fit on best.
44. Search online for a good "pageant hairstyle". Look at pictures of all the current Miss America or Miss USA contestants for ideas. NO PROM UPDOS!! They just don’t work.
45. Don’t fuss with tons of jewelry. A large pair of rhinestone earrings can be all you’ll need. Search stores like Icing or Claire’s for cheaper accessories because when they have sales they mark some gorgeous jewelry down for dirt cheap.
46. Make sure your gown fits perfectly. This sometimes means waiting until a month or two before competition to buy it because if you lose or gain weight in the meantime, it may not fit right and you don’t want to find that out two weeks beforehand.
47. You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars for a "pageant swimsuit", either. Stick with solid colors that compliment your skin tone and hair color. Something that has a touch of sparkle to it will look great.
48. Your evening gown shouldn’t look too much like your typical high school prom dress. Look at the type of dresses Miss America contestants wear. They are elegant, often with long trains, and they have at least a touch of sparkle. You can find these gowns among the many prom-type gowns but it can take a lot of searching to find the perfect one.
49. Do your research. There are lots of good pageant resources online, but finding them can be tough. Google will be your friend.
50. Talk to the current titleholder about what she does to prepare for competition. She’s already done it so she’s bound to have some excellent pointers for you.
51. Don’t do a pageant just because someone else wants you to. You won’t win and you won’t be happy. You have to want it.
52. Want a pretty crown? Buy one on ebay. Being a titleholder can often be a big responsibility, so be prepared.
53. Don’t spend thousands on cosmetic dentistry. Get some Crest Whitestrips if that will make your smile more confident. If you’re worried about the appearance of your teeth, see an orthodontist. Braces aren’t all that bad and you’ll be happy you had them because your mouth will be prettier and healthier.
54. Show your personality both in the interview and on the stage.
55. Get plenty of beauty sleep during pageant week!
56. Never get yourself down because you think the other girls are "better" or "prettier". We’re all more critical of ourselves.
57. You don’t to sing or play an instrument to win. Dancers and monologues do quite well, also. A unique talent will really set you apart, too. Are you a baton twirler? Juggler? Yodeler? Give it a shot because you’re bound to stand out among all the boring song and dance routines.
58. Afraid to go to the beach in your swimsuit? Probably not. So why is the stage any different? Those heels are just like sandals and at least on stage you can wear some sort of body makeup, boob pads, and butt glue. That stuff won’t fly down in Daytona and I bet you wouldn’t let that stop you from having fun there, either.
59. Make friends with the other girls! Don’t be catty or talk behind backs. Miss Congeniality is an even more honorable title than Miss America.
60. Don’t stay out late the night before the pageant. Dark circles under your eyes can only be covered up to a certain extent.
61. If and when you win, you are representing a group of people. Be a good representative and don’t do anything you might regret later or that might force the pageant to strip you of your title.
62. 99.9% of your interview will probably be based on your fact sheet. Just FYI.
63. Even though most of your interview will be based on your fact sheet, still be aware of your current events just incase they pop one of those questions on you. Don’t know what’s going on in the world most of the time? Then fill up that fact sheet so they’ve got more things to ask you.
64. Keep your answers short and concise. If you’re asked, "Do you take criticism well?" don’t answer with a one minute speech about the time when you were criticized and it made you feel bad. No one word answers, though. The more questions the judges can ask you, the more they get to know you, and the better you’ll do.
65. A little extra padding can go a long way. I think that statement’s self explanatory.
66. Make sure you have extra nylons. You never know when you’ll get the runs.
67. Don’t be afraid to make the judges laugh a little! Sharing something humorous will lighten the mood and make them feel more comfortable.
68. The judges are often just as nervous as you are, or even more so. They have a huge decision to make that could change the lives of the girls competing.
69. Still feeling nervous? Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Deep breathing relaxes the body. Another thing you might try is listening to a favorite song or watching an episode of your favorite comedy on your ipod beforehand.
70. Only tell a story if it is relevant and doesn’t take too long to tell. Remember, you’ve only got a matter of minutes for these judges to get to know you.
71. Read books that are geared towards people looking to improve your job interview skills. A pageant is just like a job interview. You are being interviewed for the job of Miss Whoever.
72. Have your friends and family pop interview questions on you. The more practice, the better.
73. Is there a local title you really want to win but don’t have much experience? Try entering an open pageant (one in which anyone in the state can enter). The competition will be MUCH tougher and it will give you some valuable experience. The girls competing may be quite experienced and can give you plenty of advice.
74. Watch pageants on TV. See just how these girls do it.
75. Still don’t feel like a queen? Buy a plastic crown and wear it while you practice that evening gown walk. It may seem silly, but it can be a confidence booster!
76. You don’t need to be 5’9", blonde, and have a white gown to win. You can win no matter what your size, shape, color, or social status. The judges don’t know how much money you have or if that’s really your natural hair color or not.
77. Make sure you have tons of fun! If you aren’t having fun, maybe this pageant thing isn’t for you. It shouldn’t seem like a chore. You should enjoy it.
78. While working on your platform, make sure you know the names of organizations that are somehow connected that you can get into contact with. If you’ve got such connections it’ll be very impressive to the judges.
79. Search Yahoo or any news site for current events relating to your platform. If your platform’s cancer and someone very famous died of cancer last week, you might want to know this. If your platform is AIDS and they’ve discovered a new treatment a couple days ago and if you can include that in the interview, it’ll wow them.
80. The competition is a performance! Put on a good show. You want to entertain as well as impress.
81. You should use some sunless tanner to get some color in your skin if you’re very pale. The color accentuates your muscle tone and makes you appear to be thinner.
82. If you’re still feeling self conscious about something "jiggling", rub Preparation H on it. It tightens the skin temporarily so use it before you go on for swimsuit.
83. Use a shimmer lotion on the front of your legs and your arms for a slimming effect.
84. If you want to know how you’re doing, ask the pageant directors. Hopefully they’ll be honest with you.
85. I know it’s ridiculous, but… "BE THE CROWN!! You ARE the crown!!"
86. Wear heels everywhere. It’ll help your walk immensely.
87. Pump iron. Weight training along with cardio will keep you toned and burn more fat. If you’re in good shape you’ll be more confident!!
88. Remember that often times the judges are at foot level. Have a nice, neat pedicure. Use a light pink polish if you are unsure as to what color to use. It looks classy and goes with everything.
89. Keep double stick tape and super glue in your dressing room. You never know when it’ll come in handy.
90. Your talent costume should be comfortable but also a little flashy. In the pageant world, a little sparkle here and there (or a lot of sparkle, whichever you like best) goes a long way.
91. Pageants are a great way to earn scholarships. Look for pageants that reward scholarships for all contestants participating so you’re guaranteed to get something back out of it.
92. Fake eyelashes are great for the stage, but don’t wear them in the interview. The interview is a much more professional setting so wear a nice suit, small earrings, and little makeup. Your makeup should be just as much as you might wear on an average day.
93. Whether you’re an A cup or a DD cup, you don’t need plastic surgery to win a pageant. Don’t be like those girls on MTV’s Tiara Girls who think they need lip injections to do well. Have you noticed that those girls usually don’t win?
94. Don’t scoff at first runner up. First runner up means you beat out everyone else except one, and that’s nothing to cry about!
95. You never know what’s going to happen. Don’t prepare to win or to lose. This set of judges might make one decision and another set of judges could make an entirely different decision!! A girl who was fourth runner up at a local pageant was awarded the crown when the winner was stripped of her title for some reason and the three girls ahead of her were ineligible because they’d already won other titles. This girl recently became Miss Kentucky.
96. If you make a mistake, try to act like it never happened. The audience may not notice and if the judges notice but see how quickly you can pick up your composure quickly afterwards they might be impressed.
97. Be on time. There is no such thing as fashionably late in the pageant world.
98. Not everyone is as nice as they appear. Be nice to everyone during the pageant and if someone turns on you don’t seek revenge. No matter what, always strive to be Miss Congeniality. It will take you far not only in pageants but also in life.
99. Be prepared for everything. I suggest bringing a large Rubbermaid container and pack everything but the kitchen sink because you never know what you might need backstage.
100. Don’t change anything during pageant week. Make all of your final wardrobe decisions beforehand and you’ll feel prepared and confident!
101. Last, but most certainly not least…HAVE FUN